Our story

Pazel was born out of spontaneous life events.
After years of working in the corporate world and feeling the need for some change, I accidently came across an executive program in Arts Management. Going by my instinct, I decided to enroll in this program and so pieces started falling into place in a harmonious way.
My interest in art was growing and so museums and exhibitions became my go-to places, and dropping by their boutiques was just a natural thing to do to wrap up every visit. This is where I re-discovered my interest for puzzles, but not just any kind, Art puzzles!
Hence, Pazel was born as a modern refreshing puzzle brand featuring celebrated Middle Eastern artists. With the aim of promoting art, Pazel chooses to be an edutainment jigsaw puzzle, trying to make art accessible to all while spreading its rewarding effects on the mind.
I hope you will enjoy picking up the pieces of fragmented artworks, while savoring the moment and experiencing art in a different way.